Personal trainers are in an area where football season is well under way this fall and taken very seriously. Women may sometimes associate football as being a male dominant sport, but there are actually some fun football drills that can be included in your personal training experience that may make you think twice about this. Exercises commonly […]
Archives for October 2013
How to help Sore Muscles Recover Quickly
Posted on October 24, 2013 ·
We all know what it’s like to have sore muscles. Exercising while muscles are still very sore from a previous workout may seem difficult and painful, but it can actually help your muscles heal more quickly when done correctly. As a personal trainer, I have a few suggestions of the type of exercises that can […]
How to Tone Legs and Glutes without adding Bulk
Posted on October 23, 2013 ·
A common question that I often get from clients in my experience pertains to women looking for ways to tone their legs and glutes without adding bulk. Many women shy away from working out their legs because they fear that their quads, hamstrings, and glutes will get “too big,” and they will not be able […]