To exercise efficiently and effectively, you must avoid injury during your workouts. Too many people push themselves through the pain thinking they are doing their body good, but it’s not true. The adage, “No pain, no gain” is just not accurate. Here’s a great article from Ironman Athlete and Doctor of Physical Therapy, Wendy Benwell: […]
Realistic Expectations for Permanent Weight Loss
Having unrealistic fitness goals can make weight loss extremely frustrating. With the wrong expectations, you can set yourself up for failure. Weight loss goals should be: Precise. Outline an action plan for the week, and be specific. Create a fitness plan that’s clear and goal-oriented. Progressive. Take baby steps in the beginning and allow yourself […]
Eight Quick and Healthy Late-Night Snacks
So you did everything right today: ate nutritious meals, exercised for an hour before hitting the morning traffic to work, had a hearty apple for your afternoon snack, and consumed a well-balanced dinner. But before calling it a night, you find yourself snacking furiously on a generous serving of chocolate ice cream. It’s hard not […]
Four reasons why it’s good to exercise regularly
Ever wondered what’s the difference between those who exercise and those who don’t? It’s habit. And clearly people have different habits. Kudos for those who brave on the grueling first 3 weeks of doing their daily workout routines! And for those of you who continue exercising on a regular basis despite your certainly busy schedules, […]
Eating a healthy breakfast can help you lose weight
When your mom said, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” she wasn’t kidding. It seems, however, that many didn’t take this loving “morning reminder” seriously. According to studies, about 25% of American adults skip breakfast every day. This is unfortunate considering the many benefits one can get from eating a healthy breakfast. Here […]
How to Conquer Emotional Eating
Do you crave something to eat even when you’re not really hungry? Do you sometimes find yourself snacking away to deal with tight deadlines at work? Have you ever mindlessly munched on candy bars and ice cream when you’re upset or depressed? Do you turn to “comfort food” when you’re anxious or worried? If you […]
The Ugly Truth about Diet Soda
Look at what’s on your plate, not just what’s in your glass. Diet drinks aren’t diets.
Watch out for those Taco Bueno burritos
My family and I enjoy Tex Mex food–rice, beans, enchiladas, tortillas, pico de Gallo. There are many fast food restaurants that we enjoy–Rosa’s, Lupe’s, Mexican Inn and Taco Bueno. My husband and son love the bean burritos at Taco Bueno. Do you know how many calories are in one Bean Burrito from Taco Bueno? (Stop […]
Five Reasons to do Morning Exercises
Hauling yourself out of bed in the morning and committing to a morning exercise routine can be difficult—especially if you’re not a “morning person”. But here’s something you should know—there are many benefits to sweating off those extra pounds in the early hours. Here are five reasons why morning exercises may be great for you: Early bird […]
3 Secrets To Finding Motivation For Your Fitness Program
Accountability and consistency–both crucial elements of success–are two of our biggest challenges. And this translates even in fitness. Although you generally enjoy your workout routine, there will be days when you won’t feel like getting up early in the morning to exercise; it’s human nature. On days like these, it’s good to turn to a […]